حل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية المستوى العاشر الفصل الدراسي الاول المنهج القطري 1446 .
محتوى حل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية المستوى العاشر ف1
ف1Who are you meeting at the park?2. What did you do at the gym?. Which skirt suits me better, the black one or the white one?
4. Why are you buying a new laptop?
5. When are you leaving for Japan?
6. Where did they go for the weekend?7. What did you have for dinner?8. Who ordered a milkshake?Suggested answer1.... please tell me how much a double room costs?2.... if/whether breakfast is included (in the price).3.... like to know if/whether (all) the rooms have air conditioning.4.... please tell me if/whether the hotel is close to the beach?